- [S71] Katholische Kirche Niederselters (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch, 1704-1899. Vol. KB-2, Marriages (1704-1819). Micropublication, 3 films, film no. 1271813, item 6. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S73] Katholische Kirche Niederselters (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch, 1704-1899. Vol. KB-9, Deaths (1832-1862). Micropublication, 3 films, film no. 1271815, item 3. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S140] Obituary of Loretta (Roth) Wise, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, unknown date.
- [S142] Obituary of John P. Roth, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, unknown date.
- [S143] Obituary of Henry L. Roth, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Thursday, 26 Dec 1984.

- [S227] Hosang, Carolum Alphonsium. Baptismal entry, 8 May 1881. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, California), 1881, item 11. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S236] Obituary of Frederick Koerper, son of Frederick and Margaret Koerper, The Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri, 5 Aug 1907.
- [S256] Daniel, Victor & Schock, Lena. Marriage Return , 1937. Seneca County Marriage Book 6B : p. 130 , Seneca County Courthouse , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S267] Swartz, Frances, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S278] Walliser, Albertum and Bogner, Maria. Marriage entry, 28 Apr 1896. "Liber Matrimoniorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, initiens Anno Dom. 1867," (photocopy of church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, CA), 1896, entry 1. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S303] Swartz, Rita, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S324] Kessler, Anthony & Daniels, Lucy. Marriage Return , 22 Feb 1922. Seneca County Marriage Book 18 : 265, license no. 7403 , Seneca County Courthouse , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S362] Obituary of Rita Swartz, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 10 May 1950.
- [S378] Holmer, Karl & Catherine Roth. Marriage Return , 26 Jun 1930. Seneca County Marriage Book 6B : 60, record no. 861B , Seneca County Probate Court, Probate Clerk's Office , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S379] Roth, John & Fox, Helen. Marriage Return , 16 Jun 1938. Seneca County Marriage Book 6B : 140, record no. 1262B , Seneca County Probate Court, Probate Clerk's Office , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S380] Roth, Henry & Lorena Faeth. Marriage Return , 30 Dec 1938. Seneca County Marriage Book 6B : 146, record no. 1292B , Seneca County Probate Court, Probate Clerk's Office , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S419] Fritz, Emma C., Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S422] Daniel, Joseph, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S424] Daniel, Cecelia, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S463] Schreiner, George J.. Death Certificate No. 75115, 19 Dec 1930, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S490] Huron County, OH, Probate Court. Marriage Records, Vol. 3 (1878-1882). Micropublication, 2 rolls, film no. 0410261, item 1. Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965.
- [S491] Hahler, Anthony. Death Certificate No. 4059, 6 Jan 1941, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S503] Daniel, Cornelius, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S504] Daniel, Cornelius & Ball, Delores. Marriage Return , 28 Nov 1936. Seneca County Marriage Book 21 : 536, lic. no. 11539, issued November 20, 1936 , Seneca County Probate Court, Probate Clerk's Office , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S510] Daniel, Cornelium and Ball, Dolorem. Marriage entry, 26 Nov 1936. "Liber Matrimoniorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, initiens Anno Dom. 18667," (photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S518] Daniel, Nicholas and Lippert, Elizabeth Descendant Report. Prepared 13 Apr 1997 by Edith Alten Ruffing, Avon Lake, Ohio. Indented descendant report containing dates, no places or sources.
- [S519] Daniel, Frank and Ruffing, Helen, Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S543] Krupp, Daniel and Velten, Elizabeth Indented Descendant Chart. Prepared 4 Jun 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. A descendant chart providing years of events, no places or sources cited.
- [S625] Daniel, Donald Ambrose. Death Certificate No. 26-56631, 4 Sep 1926, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S626] Daniel, Joseph. Death Certificate No. 32-37082, 14 Jun 1932, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S638] Wise (nee Höhler), Catherine. Death Certificate No. 3295, 7 Jan 1924, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S639] Wise, Frank. Death Certificate No. 41599, 7 Jul 1914, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S665] Schreiner, Georgium and Hahler, Gertrudine. Marriage record, 1 Feb 1881. "Liber Matrimonium Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Virginis, Dioceses Clevelandensis, initiens Anno Dom. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, California), 1881, item 1. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.

- [S690] Obituary of Victor J. Daniel, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Saturday, 12 May 1979.
- [S703] Obituary of Dennis J. Schriner, The Advertiser Tribune online (http://www.Advertiser-Tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, Wedensday, 9 Feb 2000.
- [S773] Obituary of Alma Genevieve , The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.Advertiser-Tribune.com), Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio, Sunday, 8 Oct 2000.
- [S839] Obituary of Cornelius Daniel, The Bellevue Gazette, Bellevue, Ohio, 15 Jul 1978.
- [S932] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio. Deaths, 1852-1897. Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 2. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001.
- [S963] St. Liborius' Church (St. Louis, Missouri) Church Books. Deaths, 1896-1950. Micropublication, 2 rolls, roll no. 1871139, item 6. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S967] Hosang, Albertum. Baptismal entry, 13 Jan 1878. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original supplied by Jim Daniels), 1878, 2nd entry. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S1058] Obituary of Rose A. Siesel, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.advertiser-tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, 10 Feb 2004.
- [S1084] Obituaries, The Sandusky Register online, Sandusky, Ohio, http://www.sanduskyregister.com
- [S1212] Dufner, Klaus, Tennigkeit, Wolfgang and Wagner, Dirk, comp. Hieraten der katholischen Pfarrei St. Martin Bexbach (Mittelbexbach) 1697-1920. Bexbach: Verein für Heimatkunde Höcherberg e.V., 1997.
- [S1345] Diehm, John. Ohio Death Certificate No. 33123, filed 28 May 1937, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1514] Hosang, Albert. Ohio Death Certificate No. 46284, filed 1 Aug 1935, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1584] Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org). Ohio Death Certificate. Hahler, John certificate.
- [S1591] Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org). Ohio Death Certificate. Schreiner, Gertrude certificate.
- [S1730] Liste des registres disponibles pour Siegen, Actes de Naissance [database on-line]. Online at Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, http://archives.bas-rhin.fr/
- [S1864] The Cleveland Necrology File, 1850-1975 [database on-line]. Online at Cleveland Public Library, http://www.cpl.org/
- [S2128] Velten, Klaus, to David Velten. Email message dated 21 Sep 2020 from Klaus Velten [e-mail address]. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 2017.