Corinne Rose Icard
F, ID No. 5241
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Mary Jo Velten
F, ID No. 5242
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
- [S576] Kentucky Vital Records Index, Marriages (1973-1993), published by University of Kentucky, <>, compiled by State Of Kentucky, Department of Health, Kenton County 1998, vol. 66, cert. 32641, Thomas C. Wiedemann, age 32, to Mary J. Velten, age 29, marr. 10 Oct 1998 Kenton County, Kentucky.
- [S2011] Donald Velten and Edna Wessels Family Group Sheet, Received 10 Feb 2014 Donald E. Velten, Cold Spring, Kentucky.
Joan Marie Velten
F, ID No. 5243
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
- [S576] Kentucky Vital Records Index, Marriages (1973-1993), published by University of Kentucky, <>, compiled by State Of Kentucky, Department of Health, Campbell County 1995, vol. 81, cert. 40402, Matthew W. Queen, age 24, to Joan M. Velten, age 24, marr.16 Dec 1995 Campbell County, Kentucky.
- [S571] Daniel Velten and Rose Gamel GEDCOM Database, 4 Mar 1998 by Donald and Richard Velten, Newport, Kentucky. This file contains data on descendants of Daniel Velten, based on family data.
- [S2011] Donald Velten and Edna Wessels Family Group Sheet, Received 10 Feb 2014 Donald E. Velten, Cold Spring, Kentucky.
Donald William Velten
M, ID No. 5244
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
- [S2011] Donald Velten and Edna Wessels Family Group Sheet, Received 10 Feb 2014 Donald E. Velten, Cold Spring, Kentucky.
David Anthony Velten
M, ID No. 5245
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Matthew William Queen
M, ID No. 5246
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
- [S576] Kentucky Vital Records Index, Marriages (1973-1993), published by University of Kentucky, <>, compiled by State Of Kentucky, Department of Health, Campbell County 1995, vol. 81, cert. 40402, Matthew W. Queen, age 24, to Joan M. Velten, age 24, marr.16 Dec 1995 Campbell County, Kentucky.
- [S571] Daniel Velten and Rose Gamel GEDCOM Database, 4 Mar 1998 by Donald and Richard Velten, Newport, Kentucky. This file contains data on descendants of Daniel Velten, based on family data.
- [S2011] Donald Velten and Edna Wessels Family Group Sheet, Received 10 Feb 2014 Donald E. Velten, Cold Spring, Kentucky.
Michele Marie Gingerich
F, ID No. 5247
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
John Michael Gingerich
M, ID No. 5248
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
David Thomas Gingerich
M, ID No. 5249
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Suzanne Marie Gingerich
F, ID No. 5250
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.